Monday, November 18, 2013

On Piping in the Mountains…With Neices

Needless to say grad school, a full time job, and other responsibilities do not leave much time for practicing. . .or blogging.  However, I have been practicing when I can and here are some highlights/catch-ups from this past year:

We played for a Hunley ceremony on the beach. The Hunley was the Confederate submarine that sank a Yankee boat and then sank itself.  Re-enactors had a service at dark on the beach and then we all went to a pub

I was given the Piper of the Year award by the Charleston Police Pipes and Drums-go figure.  It doesn't mean I'm the best player but it is for the person who is enthusiastically dedicated to the Highland art of bagpipe playing (my husband wishes I wasn't so enthusiastic).

               Angus thought he should be given the award-we fought over it-I won.

When I started my new job in the pain clinic and got the lay of the land I experimented with using my very strict 30 minute lunch break as a time to practice my chanter in the back of my car.  My practice venue looked like this:

This has been hard to do consistently because getting out to the car and eating seriously limit how much time I am able to practice.

I have continued to compete with my 2/4 March and Slow Air.  In the Charleston Scottish Games I also did my first piobaireachd ground competition…and got 4th.  I got 6th in the 2/4 march.  At the Stone Mountain Games I got 6th in my 2/4 march.  I was rather pleased with these for how little I'm able to practice.

In the middle of all this Annette got engaged to Mark Hargrove.  I was NOT invited to play at any of the celebrations and I have been told there will be NO bagpipes at the wedding so don't even ask.  Sigh!I guess I didn't start playing early enough so that the pipes were imprinted positively on the kids

. . . so I have started early with my nieces.  They were happy to march in my parade as I practiced this past weekend

This semester I have been doing a pediatric clinical rotation and working in the office of Charlestown Pediatrics.  Krispy Kreme had Pirate Day:  if you walked in and spoke pirate you got a free donut BUT if you walked in dressed like a pirate you got a free dozen donuts.  So, guess what I did?  I went early to get my donuts then stayed dressed up as a pirate for my day in the office with the kids.  It was a lot of fun.

For Halloween I wore my kilt and police shirt (we had a gig to play right after my clinical).  I saw my patients wearing this outfit and had my stethoscope around my neck.  I'd walk in and ask the kids what I was dressed up as.  One boy looked me over from head to toe a couple times and then focused on my stethoscope and his face brightened "a doctor!"  I took the stethoscope off and said "No, guess again".  He looked me over from head to toe again and then focused on the police shirt- "A policeman!"  So I put my glengarry on (the little hat) and said "No, guess again."  He did the look over twice and then, with a very puzzled look on his face he said, "A police cook?" Sigh! There is much work to be done in this younger generation.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Catch Up Between Semesters

Semester break 
                         + bored 
                                        + facebook surfing
                                                                          + Coreyanne's blog
                                                                                                       = time to catch up on my blog

Last I posted was in October - one advanced pathophysiology class ago, a sinus surgery ago, Christmas ago, lots of practice ago, several parades ago, many parking lot practices ago, a radio gig ago and the beginning of the new games seasons ago.  Let my catch you up:

1. Advanced pathophysiology- I passed...with an A!!!!
2. Sinus surgery- no pictures but it wasn't fun and the recovery KICKED MY BUTT!!
3. Christmas- Kent's parents + Kent's brother, Mark and his wife, Navah + my parents +Kent's uncle and aunt + Stephen + Annette and her BOYFRIEND!!! (Mark)= great family time
 Mark got the biggest stocking (Annette was NOT happy)
Mark got the grilling from the dad and grandparents and great uncle and aunt.  I couldn't have planned it better myself-he and Annette sat facing all 7 of the elders- 6 of which are retired missionaries.  Bless his heart, he passed with flying colors


                                                                                                                              Caroling at the hospital             

4. Practices

 Myrtle Beach Women's Retreat

Rest area practice
Nathan used his pillow to block his ears
Kent used my drone corks to cork his ears
Stuck in Pennsylvania with car trouble
I tried to hitch a ride
Practiced in a corn field
At the Biltmore, N. Carolina

5. Parades:

On the West Ashley Greenway

Charleston Christmas Parade-
happens after church so I wear my
kilt to church

Mt. Pleasant Christmas parade is at night

Parade commemorating the launching
of the Hunley-the first submarine to sink a ship
Was launched from Sullivan's Island in the
Civil War
Met a Confederate soldier

6. New Years:

Only in South Carolina on New Years Eve!!

7. Parking Lot pracitce
My view

 One day when I was practicing a tow truck drives through the parking lot and the driver gave me a big thumbs up-made my day

On another day a large delivery truck pulled into the parking lot by me (we share a parking lot with a radio station and people come by to pick up prizes they have won).  All of a sudden I heard a loud band-sounded like a gun shot.  Kid you not-my first thought was to check my bag pipe bag for gun holes.  It was just the truck back firing.

8. FM 105.5

My friend, Catherine (who I met while caroling at the hospital) is the Sunday afternoon DJ on FM 105.5 and likes to interview local musicians.  So, in an effort to publicize our upcoming concert Graham, Josh and myself went to her studio and spent an hour with her talking about the concert, playing and piping, and chatting.  Now I wish I had taken some pictures.

9. First games of the season-Northeast Florida Highland Games:

 Grade V band - we're a motley crew but we got 4th place!
Grade IV (I play the tenor drum) got 2nd place.

10. Our upcoming concert: